The Free JW Bible Application For Android
If you enjoy reading the Bible, you may be interested in the JW Bible. It's a great tool to help you keep track of your reading progress. It allows you to see how much you've read and the percentage of each book you've finished. You can also use the JW Bible Reader to keep track of your Bible reading progress.
The JW Bible contains a series of stories from the Bible that make their doctrines seem plausible. One story involves Abraham who killed his son Isaac when he was about to die. Another story tells of Jesus' appearance in the narrated bible, which includes the story of Abraham who talked with Jesus and was terrified of death, and was later promised a great nation. Another story from the Bible tells about Lot, a man who had sex with his daughters, and his wife turned into salt.
According to Jehovah's Witnesses, using the name of God is essential to salvation. That's why they translated the New Testament (NWT) as "Jehovah." The Witnesses inserted the divine name into the Bible more than two hundred and thirty-seven times, though there are no New Testament manuscripts that have this name. They also stress the use of Jehovah as a name for God during bible study, and students of the Bible may find themselves dissatisfied with translations that do not include the word.
One way to find a potential recruit is to go door-to-door. The person should be in a crisis and need answers, and they should also be aware of the secrecy of the group.